
Week 8

I splurged on wine this week. I still got in my three weight circuit workouts and pushed myself too. I think I'm finally starting to see a visible difference. It's taking so freaking long, though... it's hard not to get discouraged. But I just know my body is stubborn. Four kids in five years will do it.

This week, I'm ordering more RVL from Monavie.... that protein powder is amazing. Whipping it up in my magic bullet with water and some ice makes it as creamy as a milkshake, no joke. My favorite is making it with coconut milk. Sooooo good!! And it holds me over. And it's got a bazillion nutrients in it that you can't get anywhere else. Love it. And it tastes really awesome, unlike that gross Vega protein powder everyone was talking about. Vega does have some good ingredients, but it's just as expensive and tastes horrible. Tastes like a dirt and worms smoothie.

So, this morning's measurements are:

Waist - stayed the same (thanks to the wine).
Hips - lost half an inch
Chest -  down half an inch (yikes! This is the one area I can see a significant difference! WHY oh WHY!!)
Arms - stayed the same
Thigh - down .3.

Total inches lost: 7.3 (not counting both legs, and both arms... just one).

Okay, it's not going up, that's good. And I know where I need to improve this week. I need to get in a couple cardio sessions. I admit that I detest cardio. Although the Chalean cardio sessions are pretty fun. So, that's my goal this week.

YAY for week 8 of working out!! I'm officially sticking with the program.

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